Feb 5, 2014

DIAMOND KICK by Ilya Nabihah

This application design for shopaholic person. It seems very familiar that when we mention shopaholic in our environment, then something appears in everybody minds that this shopaholic person has bad behavior and always wasting their time, money and energy. With this application, it help the user especially shopaholic person with more output. For example, if shopaholic person bought something at the store, he will get reward. 

This application mainly focuses on career women because they tend to become shopaholic. This application works by using smartphone that will available in Google Play and Apple Store. Firstly, to enter this application, it will offer 2 choices either log in using Facebook account or sign up for the new account. In this application, it will update new catalog, in the catalog it will display new items along with the rewards that costumers get when buying the items. What should costumers do is visit Parkson Store to buy the items that they like. Just pay at the cashier and the cashier will give a code to costumers depending on what type of the item costumers choose. Then costumers can key in the code obtain from the cashier to view the type of rewards that they will get. 

In this application, when user signs up for an account, collecting the rewards sooner user will increase the point in their profile. When user reaches certain level, this application will provide its own rewards. . To obtain the rewards, user can choose either to collect the rewards itself at Parkson Outlet or just wait at home the rewards will delivered to the user. Beside that, using this application, users can update and view another users that using this application along with items that they bought and rewards that they get. They can compete each other to reach the highest level. The higher the level, the more expensive rewards the users can get. 

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