Dec 20, 2013



This program functions as an art exhibition that showcases project work by the final year students of the graphic department. The name given is “BOLD 2014”. The word “bold” is significant to these two meanings of “thickness” and “bravery”. Bold is synonymous to graphic designers, in terms of the rule of typography. Apart from that, bold signifies bravery and strength that induced in the heart of our every student.

This is an individual project work, where each student are required to study and tackle on any issues and problems as selected. The significance of the program is to uplift the skills and knowledge of the students towards thorough creativity and technical in producing communicable designs that are effective without the elusion of facts and theories of art, design and communication.


The objective of this program is to exhibit the project work of the final year students of graphic department of Faculty of Art and Design, UiTM upon completing their Bachelor of Art and Design (Hons) (Graphic Design).

Program Participation:

The program will include a total of 86 students from the graphic department to exhibit their own individual final project work.